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Hubzilla Monster

Channel Apps

Hubzilla Monster - Community


Connect to the fediverse.

The powerful open source privacy-respecting all-in-one home base for collaboration and social interactions. 

Welcome to Hubzilla Monster.

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If you don't have an account, please join us by registering for a free account.

The Multi-Purpose Tool

Use it for social media. Use it for cloud hosting. Use it for a website. Use it for developing a custom app. The possibilities are endless.

Built-In Social

Connect with people on the Fediverse (Mastodon, Misskey, PeerTube, etc.) via ActivityPub, Diaspora, and more. 

Groups & Forums

Create public or private discussion groups or forums for socializing, collaboration, and support.

Cloud Storage

Share files with your friends and associates. Public, private, or restricted access permissions available.

Blog, Pages, and Wiki

Add content to your social media channel and allow people to collaborate. Supports HTML, BBCode, and Markdown.

Federated Single Sign On

You can use the account to log into other websites. Or, if desired, let others log into yours.

Online Identity Backups

You can clone your online identity on another server to create a instantly synced backup. Or download a backup.

Privacy & Access Control

You have full control over who can see your posts, web pages, articles, wikis, images, and files.

Online Safety

Filter out illegal, offensive, or otherwise undesired content and block users using a variety of tools.


Hubzilla supports addons, widgets, and themes, which allows you to change or add features & appearance.